About Me

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Um, I live in Rayleigh, Essex but before the stereotypical Essex-girl comes to your mind, that's not me - sorry to disappoint! I married at the age of 22 to a gorgeous man named Darren and as much trouble as it took for us to get to the alter, we made it and are expecting...! My family, well, dont really want to talk about them. Never liked them, never will. There you go, that's all you'll get about them from me. Anyway, i am a lawyer from London and my boss is a complete jerk. That'll do for now! (:

Saturday 30 October 2010

Aww Hell... Is it Halloween Tomorrow?!

Halloween? Your kidding right? Damn! I had totally forgotten!
It was early this morning when I finally realised - I was out shopping for some baby 'equipment' when I saw the signs hanging everywhere, "Get your Halloween outfits here" or "Halloween - Time To Be Scaaared!" And bang, it hit me. Today is the 30th, the day before Halloween! Fantastic; Super; Terrific. Kids are going to knock on my door all night expecting sweets when it's way past their bedtime... When can I join in? LOL. I love Halloween, that's why the shock that I forgot. So, being me, I completely stopped with the baby shopping and almost ran for the 'Scary Aisles.' I needed decorations - and fast. So, as I'm turning the corner to ravish my spidery needs, I smash head first with this giant Scarecrow thingy! I scream and fall to the floor whilst everyone turns round, stares at me and then bursts out laughing. I'm still on the floor trying to figure out why a bloody scarecrow is up and about, moving through Sainsbury's! He reaches down to try and calm me before slowly taking off his mask... It's my best friend Mike. ... Yeah, one was not pleased at the sight before ones eyes. He grabbed me in for a hug before asking in a spooky voice, Why so scared?! I push him off me and glare at him before the retched baby hormones take over and make me giggle uncontrollably. I mean, seriously? What was I thinking when the big, toothless, blood-covered, ragged clothed scarecrow jumps into my face? HA! What could have happened? Shit all, that's what! Ok, so after being attacked by a crazy idiot, I continued on with my Halloween decoration catch-up game! I bought a box of plastic spiders and skulls, a weird cottony web thing that I can stick to the front of the house and a pumpkin - of course, what's Halloween without a pumpkin? Anyway, I get home and I don't recognise the house. It is covered in black strips of paper that have all kinds of gruesome things on them. The front door has a sign hanging on it with a message that reads 'Ring if you dare' and an arrow pointing to the doorbell. It's all written in a dripping red paint. In the garden there are headstone's with pale hands sticking out from the ground in front of them and I don't want to get out the car to walk to the front door. Yes, I am completely spooked. After I contemplate whether i want to die a sad death or get inside the warm and have a cup of hot chocolate whilst watching a taped Nikita, i pick option two and again run into a monster... My husband. Fake fangs take hold on my neck and he grabs me and pulls me over his shoulder, and as much as i scream and protest he carries me into the living room where i see a dream come true! Lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots and lots of sweetiesssssss! Yumm, sugar for my disposal, was my immediate thought before i realise. It's not for me.  It's for the kids that are going to dress up and walk around the streets at night knocking on my door and asking for free food. I have to put all those delicious chocolate's and lollipops and sweets in little bags and have them taken away from me - hidden more like, until tomorrow. And still, I won't be allowed any of it! I don't think I like Halloween that much any more.

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Dreaming Through The Mind - You Know, My Book!

As I have written... I don't know how many times over, I like to write. So, the other day, an idea for a story came into my head and I wrote it down on a Post-It. I thought to myself at the time, 'Why am I bothering?' But, I bothered and if you would like to read what I have done so far, follow the link (:

(you may have to paste it in your bar, sorry! If the story doesn't appear, click 'log in' and then OK. password is madworldno.1   << itrust you not to abuse this!)

Getting To Know...

Why Hello There!
I'm Sarah Hale and I'm trying to become an author, I'm still quite young but if you think you can do it, then got for it! Yeah!
Anyway, just writing to say Hello and that, what is wrong with saying Hello to people? You meet someone you know in the street and what do you say? Hello! But, the other day i met up with an old friend and they said 'Hey' so i said... 'Hello!' I had bumped into her whilst on my way - running - to catch the train for work so I was in a bit of a rush, but she grabbed my arm and pulled me in for a hug. I never did like her. Besides, that's not the point. The point is, i was "rude" by being polite and saying what your supposed to say to everyone and anyone you meet. By saying Hello to her, i had apparently given off the impression that i was being stiff and that i didn't want to talk to her. So naturally, (woops) i laughed and that just made it worse! By now, my train had left and i could see it pulling away in the station, so yes, i was getting rather annoyed.
So what about you? Any greetings that came off as a Goodbye? Please, tell me if there is because now i dont know what to say to people when i see them. I'm at a loss for words. Hello is to rude and Hi, for me, is too short and snappy. I like to be open and friendly with people but how to do that without starting a conversation in the correct way is impossible! So like i said, if you have anything to say on the matter, say what you will! I won't mind what it is!
For now,
Goodbye. (: