About Me

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Um, I live in Rayleigh, Essex but before the stereotypical Essex-girl comes to your mind, that's not me - sorry to disappoint! I married at the age of 22 to a gorgeous man named Darren and as much trouble as it took for us to get to the alter, we made it and are expecting...! My family, well, dont really want to talk about them. Never liked them, never will. There you go, that's all you'll get about them from me. Anyway, i am a lawyer from London and my boss is a complete jerk. That'll do for now! (:

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Dreaming Through The Mind - You Know, My Book!

As I have written... I don't know how many times over, I like to write. So, the other day, an idea for a story came into my head and I wrote it down on a Post-It. I thought to myself at the time, 'Why am I bothering?' But, I bothered and if you would like to read what I have done so far, follow the link (:

(you may have to paste it in your bar, sorry! If the story doesn't appear, click 'log in' and then OK. password is madworldno.1   << itrust you not to abuse this!)

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